Monday, February 6, 2012

Hot Chocolate Party!

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So I am just getting back to the land of the living since the holiday season was the bane of my creative happiness when my 8 year old comes home with the saddest little face.  Before I could utter words she starts expressing to me the plight of her little 2nd grade life and how hard it is to make new friends at this new school and that she is in sheer despair!  So what is a party planning mom to do to lift the heavy heart of her amazingly dramatic daughter..... plan a tiny little hot chocolate party since I was put on notice some time ago that she was so beyond having a tea party!  So I must admit I did cut several corners since after all I am not going to get all crazy and set the bar so high that by the time she gets married I will have to have a million dollar budget to accommodate her taste.  Hobby lobby invitations were bought and she and her sister were allowed 5 guests each, that then grew to several more since she could not decide who might or might not have the potential to be the candidate to be her new best friend!  I bought little cupcakes and every flavor, size and color of marshmallows that the retail sector had to offer and then I began my own person quest of refining my sugar cookie recipe to be the most amazing cookie ever to pass the lips of some lucky sol that could beckon my front door!  A little history here.... I have been on this quest to make the best sugar cookie I could image since I was 16.  I have been a sugar cookie junkie since that day I realized my grandmother had a gift for making me fat on her sugar cookies, and it clearly several years have passed and I was still trying to perfect her recipe.  In the wee dark hours of the morning of the big event I had finally achieved what I deemed success on this little endeavor and had no one to share in my victory dance since the rest of my family was sound asleep and could truly give a hoot about my corky issues with baking!
So the party was a hit even though the girls devoured the nasty little store bought cupcakes and could have cared less about my sugar cookies...gallons of hot chocolate were consumed amidst the array of delightful and tasty beverage accessories, and little fragile friendships were strengthened over some target craft projects and possibly a over medicated mother who challenged them all to a dance off in front of the Wii!

1 comment:

  1. I so love your story telling Jenn.... little Ms. Pip is sure a character. She certainly knows how to keep you on your toes. Sorry I missed you guys when you were home. Take care, and keep the stories and blog coming.... Love you, Tempest
